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Jesterhead the Artist


I've been drawing for a couple of years and I've really quite well since then. One day I just decided to draw, I first started by getting pictures of furry females (Sonic mostly :3) and just redrew them at a reference point just to get how a female body should be drawn. Also with drawing female bodies, I would also study models and diagrams of the female body. Many years later, I would start learning to draw even better.

My drawings

I didn't really draw so well at the beginning, but I still managed to keep going. I thought up of some cartoon series (Now called "The Adventures of Michael Moreno) which has furry chars and such like how they live life and other crazy situations that include: sex, Satan, death,randomness, and other things you might see on the show, Wonder Showzen. I remember I drew the first yiffy comic for, and it really didn't look so nice. I ended up throwing it away (one of my regrets) but the memory of it still remains and motivates me to do more yiffy drawings. I do draw alot of furry but I also do some anime/manga drawings.I do drawings in pencil (I takes pictures of the drawings, sorry, I do have a scanner printer, but I do not have any necessary cables for it.), digitally with MS Paint and GIMP software, and I also publish my drawings in a CD/DVD Demo for my viewing pleasure. Though I still need alot more practice and research in terms of drawings, I believe I'm a pretty good artist.

My name

I got the name, Jesterhead, from my most favorite band ever, In Flames. I took the name from their mascot/symbol, Jester Head. Not only is this my artist name, it is also shared as a musical act. I make the soundtrack of art CDs that I make using original songs that I made and also remixes of fellow musicians that I work with.

My symbol

Jesterhead Logo

y symbol is same as it is for In Flames, except I shape the Jester Head's mouth in a cat-like smile. (I might use it's original mouth though.)