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Kthanid - Binky's Beaus

Chapter 12 - Midnight Madness

Binky slept contentedly, Beuford cuddled up against her back, his arm draped over her belly protectively. For the last several weeks her mate had waited on her hand and foot…Much to her delight. She was, however, becoming just a tad tired of being pregnant. Stress on her back, false alarms, and the impromptu late night kicking practice by her energetic fawns were just a few of the distractions from the joys of ‘mother-to-be-hood’. Cleo visited every day to check up on Binky’s health and to reassure her and Beuford that her time would be ‘soon’. Beuford, for his part, was becoming a little impatient and edgy, jumping at any sound from Binky that even remotely sounded like she might be in pain or starting to have contractions. Stormdancer seemed amused though very interested in the whole process and all the fuss everyone seemed to be making. He remained true to his word, however, and pitched in to help out whenever possible. Randy continued to visit and help out, dragging Joy with him occasionally. Serena visited as often as possible, sometimes with a curious kit or three in tow. Binky’s mother was dropping by a bit too often for Beuford’s tastes though he did enjoy exchanging recipes with her. All in all Binky’s burrow had become a lively place. Now, however, in the middle of the night all was quiet and peaceful. Binky suddenly stirred a bit, her eyes snapping open with a small grunt of pain. She put her hand to her belly and rode the cramp out. She thought it just another false alarm but since she was awake anyway she decided a trip to the bathroom was in order. With a fair bit of effort she managed to get her and her unborn brood quietly out of bed and shuffled toward the bathroom. Beuford mumbled softly in his sleep and felt around for her, eventually latching onto her pillow. Smiling he settled back down. Binky was halfway to the bathroom when another pain shot through her belly. She groaned softly, pausing in her trek until the pain passed. Finally reaching her goal she leaned heavily on the sink. A third pain hit and she clutched the sink tightly, dropping to a crouch and groaning out loud. Her groan roused Beuford to a state of Semi-wakefulness. “Binky,” he called once he realized she wasn’t lying next to him. “Binky, where are y’all?” He saw the light spilling from the bathroom and heard another groan from Binky. He climbed out of bed and padded over to the bathroom door, knocking lightly before peering in. “Sugah bun?” he called softly. “Y’all in heah? Y’all Okay?” “Yeah,” Binky groaned. “Ah…Ah thank so….” Beuford found her squatted down in obvious pain. “Y’all aint okay,” Beuford said as he rushed to her side and helped her back to her feet. “C’mon, let’s git y’all back ta bed. I’ll go and git Cleo.” Binky leaned heavily on her mate and grunted yet again. This time however there was a splashing sound at her feet and her inner thighs and legs were thoroughly soaked. Her eyes went wide with surprise. “Ah…Ah thank mah wattah just broke!” Y’all’s Watah?” Beuford asked not quite understanding. “Y’all hadda pee? Binky threw him a look. A moment later Beuford clued in…sort of. “OH! THAT watah. Well if that’s all it is Ah…Y’ALL’S WATAH JUST BROKE?!” Without hesitation but with a fair amount of grunting and straining, Beuford scooped Binky up in his arms and wobbled out to the bedroom. “Y’all is gonna throw yer back out carryin’ all nine of us,” Binky cautioned him. “Now y’all just hush,” Beuford commanded as he set Binky on the bed. “Ah got it handled.” “Cleo’s familiar is in mah dresser,” She panted softly. “It’s s’posed ta go an’ git huh when th’ tahme comes.” Beuford hurried over to the dresser and opened the drawer. “Ghaa! Ah hate these dern thangs,” he said as he fished the little phallus creature out of its hiding place. He held it in two fingers at arms length as he brought it to Binky. “It ain’t gonnah bite y’all,” Binky smirked. “They ain’t got no teeth.” “T’ain’t bitin’ Ah’m worried about,” Beuford groused as he handed the familiar to Binky. Binky gave the creature a kisson its ‘head’ and whispered to it to go and bring Cleo. The familiar hopped to it’s feet and raced from the room. Binky lay back on the pillows Beuford was fluffing up for her. “Now just hafta wait fuh Cleo ta git heah an…Nnnngh!” Binky grunted and clenched her teeth as another contraction hit. “Y’all rest easy, Sugah bun,” Beufored said as he sat down on the bed next to her and slipped an arm around her trying to console her. “We’re both here for you, my love,” came Storm Dancer’s soft voice as he faded into existence next to Binky on the opposite side from Beuford. Beuford ‘Hmphed’ but offered no other protest. Binky smiled at her concerned, loving, beautiful males as they held her hands and caressed her belly. They offered gentle words of encouragement and declarations of love. Then another contraction gripped her and she near crushed their hands. Both males grinned at each other sweat beading up on their foreheads neither willing to admit to the other that they were in any kind of discomfort. “They’s comin’!” Binky panted. “Ah kin feel ‘em comin’!” “They cain’t be comin’!” Beuford said in a panicked tone. “Cleo ain’t heah yet!” “They come when they’s damn well ready ta come,” Binky grimaced. “Now y’all wait fuh Cleo ta git heah, youngins!” Beuford said sternly as he addressed Binky’s belly. “Mind y’all’s fathah now!” “Oh, THAT’S going to have an effect,” Stormdancer chuckled. “Birthing is a natural process, hound. It’s going to happen whether this ‘Cleo’ is here or not.” “Ah feel lahke one’s tryin’ ta push out,” Binky groaned. “Ah gotta push!” “Y’all cain’t…What do Ah do…?” Beuford exclaimed. “Quit pushin’ kits!” “Git down teah an’ catch ‘em!” Binky snapped as she grit her teeth and pushed. “Git me Serena!” she said, looking up at Stormdancer as the contraction passed. “Ah wants huh Now!” “As you wish, my love,” Storm Dancer said as he vanished. Beuford shifted down kneeling on the bed a little between Binky’s up drawn legs. Nervous sweat beaded up on his head as he stared at Binky’s bunny hole. “They cain’t come outta theah,” he declared. “It’s such a lit…Tarnation!” Binky’s birthing hole suddenly stretched wide as the top of the first fawn’s mustard yellow furred head started pushing through. Binky Gasped as the contraction passed and gathered her strength to push for the next one. “Y’all know how they git in but Y’all nevah learned how they come out?” Binky panted at Beuford. “Ah did,” Beuford said, still afraid to actually touch their emerging progeny. “But They’s just so big!” “Y’all thahnk theah big?” Binky panted sarcastically. “Trah passin’ one of ‘em!” Binky felt another contraction and pushed again. At that moment, Serena, Martin and Monica appeared on the bed beside her. All three were naked, Martin lying flat, his muzzle buried in Monica’s pussy, his Mink-hood buried in Serena’s. Serena and Monica faced each other, engaged in a deep kiss as they fondled and caressed each other. All three of them were nearing orgasm when Serena sensed a change in the environment through the haze of love and pleasure and opened her eyes. “OH MY GOD!” Serena exclaimed as she recoiled in shock and embarrassment. Her sudden shift threw her off balance and she grabbed for Monica and Martin, pulling them off the bed with her to land in a heap on the floor with a fur muffled thud. Storm Dancer chuckled and walked down by Beuford to watch the hound panic. Beuford didn’t even notice the commotion, so intent was he on the task at hand. However his Baseball catcher’s stance wasn’t particularly helpful or practical. Serena poked her head up from the pile of fur on the floor and realized what exactly was going on. “Oh, Binky!” She exclaimed as she disentangled herself and crawled up on the bed next to her friend and takes her hand. “Monica, Martin! It’s time, Binky’s having her babies!” Monica, as she figured out that they weren’t in Kansas any more, hurried to the other side of the bed and did the same. Martin raised his head, took in the situation and promptly fainted. Binky pushed again and the top of the fawn’s head became a head and pair of shoulders. “Beuford!” Serena said with the authority of experience. “Get your hands in there and hold it. They aren’t going to shoot out of her. They’ll be a little slippery so you need a towel or a blanket or something to dry and clean them off with.” Beuford placed his hands under the half birthed fawn, gently supporting it. He looked around desperately for something to wrap the little creature in. Storm Dancer produced a large towel out of thin air and waited for the fawn to finish coming out. Binky groaned as another contraction prompted her to push again. “Come on, Binky,” Serena encouraged her friend. “Just one more push for this one.” “You can do it, Binky,” Monica said, giving Binky a kiss on the cheek. “For luck.” Binky pushed once more and her first fawn slipped free into Beuford’s hands. The newborn male Rabbit squalled in protest at being pushed out of the warm, wet comfortable world of his mother’s womb. Cleo, who had arrived about the same Time as Serena, Monica and Martin and had been watching the ensuing chaos with no small amount of amusement, stepped up and tied off the kit’s umbilical cord and expertly cut it. Beuford took Storm Dancer’s offered towel and wrapped the squirming bundle of wet fur in it. “A boy, Binky!” Serena said excitedly with a warm smile. “Isn’t that wonderful?!” “A boy!” Beuford echoed proudly. “We got us a son, Binky!” Beuford brought the squalling fawn up to Binky and handed him to her. Binky cradled the kit in her arm and tickled its nose while her body gathered strength for the next fawn. “What are you going to call him?” Serena asked. “Rufas,” Beuford said. “Aftah mah Daddy” Serena excused herself and left Binky’s bedroom. She quickly located the phone in the living room and tapped out Randy Rabbit’s phone number. The phone rang several times before Randy’s sleepy voice answered. “Randy?” Serena said quickly. “It’s Serena. I’m over at Binky’s burrow…It’s time, Randy…She’s having her fawns…Randy…? Randy…?” Serena grinned as she hung up the phone and walked out to the Living room. She counted softly to herself. “4…3…2…1…Come on down, Randy!” she called up the burrow entrance. Randy dropped down into the burrow. He’d more than obviously just woke up. “Where is she?” Randy asked breathlessly. “In the bedroom,” Serena chuckled. Randy hopped quickly to the bedroom and over to Binky’s side. Binky was trying to console the squirming, squalling Rufas. Randy caressed her arm and looked down at the fawn smiling, but with just the barest hint of sadness to his smile. “He’s beautiful, Binky,” Randy said. “Y’all wannah hold ‘im?” Binky asked.” “C-Can I?” Randy asked, holding out his hands. “Y’all remahnd me ta have a talk with that boy about Mahndin’ his daddy,” Beuford said from where he knelt between Binky’s legs, waiting for the next fawn. He didn’t have to wait long. Binky just managed to hand off Rufas to Randy when another contraction gripped her. Serena and Monica returned to comforting and encouraging their friend. Monica threw a look to Serena, smirking and gesturing at Randy. Serena looked to see the forests most prolific ladies fur gently cradling the newborn bunny, cooing to him softly like and old pro. Rufas quieted down giggling and grabbing at Randy’s muzzle. Serena grinned but Binky’s groan of pain drew her back to matters at hand. Beuford once more adopted his nervous ‘catcher’s stance’ and Stormdancer popped in another towel. “These bettah not be Binky’s good towels,” Beuford warned the pookah. Storm dancer grinned sheepishly. Binky grit her teeth and pushed with the next contraction. A blue furred male fawn began to emerge. Another push and Beuford and Cleo dealt with the second newborn. “Yall’s name Is Abraham!” Beuford announced as he tried to wrap the struggling fawn who obviously didn’t want to be wrapped up. “Now quit fightin’ y’all’s daddy ya willfull li’l cuss.” “That’s two, Binky,” Serena said. “The rest should come quickly.” Almost as if on cue, Binky clenched again and a Mustard Yellow furred female with black ears and a black cotton tail emerged. “Moira!” Beuford announced as he wrapped her up. “Happy Buhthday, li’l one!” Binky panted hard, looking very exhausted. Monica snuggled next to Binky and put an arm around her. “Stay with us, little mother,” Monica coaxed. “It’s hard…But it’s worth it.” “H-how did you an’ Serena do it?” Binky panted. “It…It’s so hahd….” “Well…Eggs are easier to pass I imagine,” Monica said. “But they are bigger than a kit. It helps if you concentrate on what’s comin’ out…Your babies…The babies you made with the fur you love.” “Yeah,” Binky said smiling weakly yet loving at Beuford before yet another set of contractions began. Over the next several hours 4 more fawns were born 2 females and 2 males filling the arms of all and sundry. Joy arrived at the burrow and had a giggling fit watching Randy dote over three of the fawns all of whom snuggled quietly in his arms. Serena and Monica took a moment to wake Martin up and chide him about his ‘nap attack’. Cleo took over catcher’s duty for the last two fawns and waited patiently for the last kit to emerge. Beuford lay next to Binky gently stroking her ears, supporting her back and coaxing her to hang in there. Binky was becoming a bit concerned, however about her last fawn. “It’s been 45 minutes, Cleo,” she said. “Th’ last one ain’t comin’ out…Is it okay? Ah dun even feel a need ta push any moah.” “Don’t try to rush or force it, Binky,” Cleo said calmly as she lay a hand on Bunky’s belly. “With so many fawns you have to be careful. Your body needs to recover a bit. She’ll be along.” “But th’ othahs were only 20-minutes apart!” Binky worried. “Give your body a chance to rest,” Cleo said as she lay a faintly glowing hand on Binky’s belly. “It’ll move things along when it’s ready.” “Ah cain’t rest,” Binky protested. “Not ‘till th’ last one’s out.” “Let me see what I can…” Cleo started. He expression turned suddenly to one of surprise and then to a wry smile. “Well of all the….” “Whot is it?” Binky asked anxiously. “What’s wrong?!” “She’s asleep,” Cleo announced. “WHOT?!” Binky asked incredulously. “How can she be asleep with all this commotion goin’ on?” “The Great Forest Spirit only knows,” Cleo chuckled. “But she is” “Ah wont’s huh out now!” Binky whined. “Cassasie! Y’all wake up and come on out heah, young lady,” Beuford ordered the uncooperative kit. “Mahnd me, youngin’!” Binky panted a little as she felt a faint movement in her belly. She worried that it didn’t seem as strong or urgent as with the previous fawns.. “There,” Cleo said as she too detected the motion in her patient’s belly. “We just needed to get her attention, that’s all.” “But it dun feel rahght,” Binky said. “She ain’t as active as th’ othahs.” “One thing at a time, Binky,” Cleo said. “Concentrate on getting her out where I can have a look at her.” Binky nodded and braced herself to push again. She groaned loudly with the pain and effort. Cleo rubbed Binky’s belly and chanted softly, what ever she was doing eased the pain a little but Binky was near exhaustion and sore and birthing her last fawn seemed so much more difficult than the others. “C’mon, Binky,” Monica coaxed as she cradled and comforted Binky in her arms. “Just one more. You can do it…Breathe and push…Breathe and push.” Binky gripped Stormdancer’s paw tightly and pushed once more with all he failing strength, and a near scream of pain. Beuford tenderly caught the small yellow furred female with the purple tuft of hair on her head as she emerged from her mother. He cradled her gently in his paws as if afraid he might break her. Cassadie’s squall was little more than a squeak. “Wh-whah is she lookin’ s-so sickly?” Binky gasped as she looked down at the last of her kits. “She looks fine,” Cleo assured the parents. “Beuford, be gentle with her. She looks okay, just a little small. Binky, you just had 8 fawns…Even for a rabbit that’s a lot of bunnies especially for your first time. Your body can only make so much nutrition. I’m afraid this one got the short end of the stick. Don’t worry though. I’m going to leave the recipe to a special formula I want you to feed her. She’ll be smaller than her siblings but the formula will strengthen her up.” “But Ah wos gonna breast feed…” Binky protested. “You have 7 other hungry fawns to feed,” Cleo reminded her as she took care of Cassadie’s umbilical cord and afterbirth. “Cassadie will need some things that your milk can’t give her AND you only have two…well…. Now, let’s see how momma’s doing.” Binky winced a little and laid back, utterly exhausted as Cleo examines her, feeling her nose, checking her pulse and breathing. Cleo suddenly looked over at Stormdancer with a knowing frown. “At least a month, Buster,” She told him, glancing down where his cock had turned his loincloth into a drape cloth. “Her body needs to recover and heal. So you just keep that thing ‘in hand’ until then. She just gave birth to eight fawns. And don’t even think about putting her through this again for at least six months, do I make myself clear?” Stormdancer grinned, and even blushed a bit as he adjusted his loin-cloth. He nodded non-the-less, agreeing to Cleo’s conditions. “I wannah see huh,” Binky said reaching out for Cassadie. Beuford carefully passed tiny fawn to Binky and snuggled in next to her. The others passed more fawns to the parents and Stormdancer. “They’s all so adorable,” Binky gushed, blinking a tear free. “Just lahke theah momma,” Beuford said softly Binky smiled brightly and looked around the room to her friends and loved ones. “Thank Y’all,” she sniffed, happier than she’d ever been in her whole life. “Thank y’all fuh bein’ heah with me…With us. Ah really appreciates it.” “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, Binky,” Randy said. “I think the parents need a little time to themselves,” Serena said. “They’ll need some rest and time to bond and I dare say we could use the sleep too.” “I think Martin’s slept enough,” Randy chuckled. “I’ll check in later today, Binky,” Serena promised, as she took the arms of her mates. “Come you two, we have unfinished business.” Randy excused himself and followed Serena and her mates out of the bedroom. “Hey, Serena…About that unfinished business…..” Binky heard him saying as he left. Cleo remained for bit, checking over each of the fawns once more and leaving the recipe for Cassadie’s formula, promising to bring a batch by later in the morning along with a tonic to help Binky regain her strength. At length, however, she too left. The parents snuggled and fussed over squirming little bundles of newborn bunnies. Even Stormdancer got caught up, cooing and tickling the little ones causing both Beuford and Binky to snicker and smirk at him. Binky quickly began to succumb to the exhausted state of her body and Beuford and the Pookah took the kits to their room. Stormdancer offered to take the first shift watching the fawns so that the hound could rest. Beuford seemed surprised by the offer. “No strings?” he asked. “Am I not allowed a gesture of peace?” Stormdancer smirked. “Stormdancah…Ah…Ah may be a jealous grump at tahmes but Ah….” “You also have a tendency to not speak your thoughts very well,” Stormdancer finished for him…Much to Beuford’s irritation. “Please, I know what you mean and I appreciate how painful it is for you to apologize. Rest assured I accept.” Beuford closed his mouth and spent the few minutes walking back to the bedroom trying to determine whether or not he’d just been insulted. Once in the bedroom, however, nothing seemed important other than the vision sleeping peacefully there. He slipped in next to her and took her in his arms gently. She squirmed and shifted before snuggling against his chest. He kissed her gently on the top of her head. “Ah love y’all, little momma,” he said softly. Stormdancer checked over the fawns, seeing that each was tucked in and comfortable. When he was sure each was sleeping peacefully he padded quietly out of the room. He went to Binky’s room and stood in the doorway. Beuford and Binky lay snuggled together, sleeping peacefully. He resisted his normally irresistible urge to be mischievous and bedevil Beuford. Somehow, seeing the two of them together, blissful in just being in the presence of each other, he felt a stirring in his heart…And something more…Understanding. Love…The love of mortals wasn’t just fornication…Not just reproduction. It was a joining. A bonding of two spirits…Two…He wondered if there was room for a third spirit and was suddenly aware of another feeling, a hollow sadness. He shook his head and dismissed the doubt. She loved him as she loved the hound. He was sure of that. He would join his spirit to hers in the manner of mortals. He was sure he could. The rest would come. He smiled lovingly at Binky and padded softly to her side of the bed. He kissed her cheek tenderly. She stirred and smiled before drifting back to her blissful sleep. Stormdancer smiled down on her and silently returned to the fawn’s room. He had a promise to keep…Even if it was to the Hound. End